Johnny Gioeli, lead singer of Crush 40 and co-creator of Sonic Adventure 2's 'Live and Learn' theme song, reportedly sued SEGA of America early December for allegedly misusing the song without proper licencing or compensation.

Why it matters: 'Live and Learn' became a cultural touchstone for Sonic fans, but the lawsuit newly discovered by Vox's Nicole Carpenter revealed a deeper dispute over ownership rights and royalties.

  • "I have no comment other than my desire to maintain the preservation of a long standing beautiful relationship with SEGA", Gioeli said in a statement to Polygon.
  • He continued, “I do not want fans to draw conclusions or be disrupted from the beautiful memories we have made collectively with this music. I believe and hope we will come to a peaceful settlement that will be fair and just.”

Yes, but: The lawsuit does not impact the song's inclusion in Paramount Pictures' upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog 3 film.

Driving the news: Gioeli filed the lawsuit in the California district courts, and claimed that SEGA used the track in at least 25 games beyond its original appearance in Sonic Adventure 2 without proper licencing.

  • He claimed he was paid $3,000 USD for the lyrics following the 2001 collaboration with SEGA composer Jun Senoue, but his broader role in production and arrangement gave him ownership of the master recording.
  • The singer alleged SEGA, who only held rights to the lyrics, failed to secure licencing agreements for the song's widespread reuse, leading to unpaid royalties he estimated at over $500,000 USD.
  • Gioeli asked for a court ruling on the ownership of the master recording of the 'Live & Learn' song, and for compensation of the unpaid royalties.

What they're saying: Gioeli’s lawyer alleged SEGA acknowledged his partial ownership of the song's profits as a "joint work", but refused to formally account for his copyright claims.

  • Meanwhile, SEGA of America did not comment on the lawsuit.
Live and Learn lawsuit via Polygon | PDF | Legal Remedy | Lawsuit
Live and Learn lawsuit via Polygon

Wed 2:40 pm ET: Story updated with additional details.