Take a look at SEGA of America's newest digital manga to promote Sonic x Shadow Generations, called Sonic x Shadow Generations x Chao.
- The story, entirely textless, spotlights the Sonic and Shadow Chao during the Time Eater incident.
Why it matters: The manga, written by Ian Flynn with lines by Misa Shion and colours Min Ho Kim, shifts focus away from the usually high-octane hedgehog rivalry in favour of the lighter affairs between the namesake Chao.
- The full manga and descriptive text follows. The pages are read from right-to-left, top-to-bottom.
Page 1

- A sunny day in the park. Sonic the Hedgehog holds a chili dog wrapped with a tiny bow while watching his friends converse at the birthday-themed picnic table. Tails, Blaze, Amy, Cream, Cheese, Charmy, Knuckles, Espio, Vector, and a collection of Chao all dine at the table. In the background, Rouge can be seen speaking with someone on the phone.
- Sonic Chao is seen dancing while being cheered on by a group of Neutral Chao. In the background sits a brooding Shadow Chao beneath a tree.
- The annoyed Shadow Chao watches the gleeful Sonic Chao and Neutral Chao having fun.
- A lone Neutral Chao notices the Shadow Chao storming away.
Page 2

- The pouting Shadow Chao sits beneath a new spot under the tree with its arms crossed. In the background, Sonic’s friends are conversing with each other on the right while the Sonic Chao and Neutral Chao play on the left. The Neutral Chao that spotted Shadow Chao in the previous panel is seen walking towards Shadow Chao.
- Shadow Chao remains by himself while all the characters in the background from the previous panel look upward towards something offscreen. The sky has changed from blue to purple.
- Shadow Chao gets up to see what’s causing a commotion as all the characters in the background from the previous panel begin to be pulled into the sky by something offscreen.
- Shadow Chao looks to the sky in shock as the Time Eater is seen capturing all of Sonic’s friends into portals.
- Shadow Chao covers its face as it holds its ground.
- A closeup of Shadow Chao’s foot as it begins to lift off the ground.
- Shadow Chao is captured.
Page 3

- Shadow Chao awakes on the ground, wide-eyed and confused as it's now alone in White Space.
- Shadow Chao struggles to lift itself to one knee.
- Shadow Chao notices Green Hill Zone in the distance but it’s completely devoid of color.
- Shadow Chao thinks back and remembers the Neutral Chao being sucked into one of Time Eater’s portals.
- An exclamation point appears on Shadow Chao’s head as it understands what it must do.
- Shadow Chao runs towards the colorless Green Hill Zone.
Page 4

- Shadow Chao looks upwards, determined to climb Green Hill Zone.
- Shadow Chao struggles to climb to the top of the colorless Green Hill Zone.
- An exclamation point appears over Shadow Chao’s head as it notices a teary-eyed Neutral Chao attempting to shake life into a colorless flower. Sonic the Hedgehog can be seen running a loop in the distance, bringing color back to the world around him.
- As Shadow Chao approaches the crying Neutral Chao huddled by the flower, color begins to fill the surrounding area.
- Both the Neutral Chao and Shadow Chao are in awe as they see color return to the flower from the previous panel, along with the rest of Green Hill Zone.
- Shadow Chao runs towards the viewer with an accomplished smirk, the Neutral Chao gleefully following close behind. Sonic the Hedgehog is seen gazing at his work in the background.
Page 5

- Shadow Chao reaches out to save a Neutral Chao struggling to swim in a pool of chemicals in Chemical Plant Zone. Classic Sonic can be seen speeding in the background and bringing color to the zone.
- Shadow Chao hops from cloud to cloud in Sky Sanctuary Zone towards distraught Neutral Chao that are cradling partially colorless grapes. Sonic the Hedgehog is seen running up a crumbling tower in the background.
- Shadow Chao holds up its hand to stop an oncoming car as it escorts a group of Neutral Chao on a crosswalk through Speed Highway Zone. Sonic is seen riding a rocket in the background.
- Shadow Chao and a group of Neutral Chao in City Escape Zone observe a missing persons poster of Mighty & Ray that reads, “Missing since 1993.” Classic Sonic is in the background being chased by a G.U.N. military truck.
Page 6

- Exclamation points appear over the Shadow Chao and Neutral Chao’s heads as they notice something offscreen.
- A Motobug zooms toward a scared Neutral Chao as it stands beneath a fruit tree.
- Shadow Chao attempts to rush in to save the Neutral Chao as a fruit suddenly smashes the Motobug’s head from above.
- Shadow Chao looks up and spots Sonic Chao. It stopped the Motobug!
- Sonic Chao zooms toward the group of Neutral Chao and beams with pride as it saved the previous Neutral Chao.
- Sonic Chao and Shadow Chao race side by side with one another towards the viewer with competitive expressions as the Neutral Chao cheer from behind.
Page 7

- The Chao all observe an orca as it emerges from the water in Seaside Hill Zone. Sonic Chao observes from a distance as its uncomfortable near the water. Sonic the Hedgehog is seen speeding away from a giant stone wheel in the background.
- Sonic Chao and a group of Neutral Chao stand behind Shadow Chao as it waves its hand and berates a lone and confused Neutral Chao that appears to befriend an Iblis Biter in Crisis City Zone. Classic Sonic is seen jumping from car to car in the background towards a fiery tornado.
- Sonic Chao, Shadow Chao, and the Neutral Chao all float in the sky in Rooftop Run. Sonic the Hedgehog is seen running down the Clock Tower in the background.
- On Planet Wisp, the Chao are all playing with Wisps as Sonic Chao races against a Cyan Wisp and Shadow Chao has a stare down with a Pink Wisp. In the background, Classic Sonic is seen rushing towards the terraforming Eggman industrial center.
Page 8

- Shadow Chao stops short as it spots something offscreen. The Neutral Chao marching in line behind Shadow Chao all bump into one another.
- Sonic Chao bumps into the foot of a Black Arms Warrior.
- A Black Arms Warrior threateningly gazes down towards an anxious Shadow Chao and Sonic Chao.
- Sonic Chao attempts to block the Black Arms Warrior’s path to protect the scared Neutral Chao while Shadow Chao begins to shake its fist.
- Shadow Chao begins winding up its swirling fist faster, preparing to strike.
- As Shadow Chao blindingly throw its punch, Shadow the Hedgehog appears from offscreen and delivers a Doom Blast kick to the Black Arms Warrior, sending it flying.
Page 9

- Sonic Chao has its eyes closed in fear.
- A silhouette of Shadow the Hedgehog is barely visible from the smoke caused by Shadow the Hedgehog’s recent Doom Blast attack.
- Sonic Chao wipes away its eyes as it attempts to see the aftermath of the fight between Shadow Chao and the Black Arms Warrior.
- Sonic Chao and the Neutral Chao are in awe as it appears the Shadow Chao’s punch defeated the Black Arms Warrior. Meanwhile, Shadow the Hedgehog is seen speeding away in the distance.
Page 10

- Shadow Chao beams with pride from its accomplishment. Sonic Chao delivers a congratulatory pat on the back to Shadow Chao while the Neutral Chao cheer in the background.
- Shadow Chao and Sonic Chao look back toward the group of Neutral Chao who all appear happy, safe, and grateful for their protectors.
- Sonic Chao and Shadow Chao mutually shake hands.
- Shadow Chao and Sonic Chao charge ahead into White Space together with the Neutral Chao following close behind. What journey awaits them ahead?