Emerald Store: Introducing all-new Emeralds and Emerald Deals - coming soon
- Emeralds are a new currency used to unlock and upgrade Special rarity characters even faster!
- You can purchase Emeralds in the store. Look out for new deals!
- They can also be found in chests alongside Gold Rings.
Progress Missions!
- A new type of mission to help you progress faster and unlock more rewards!
- These multi-stage objectives offer rewards at each stage, giving you ongoing goals and bonuses as you play.
- You can find them in a new tab on the Missions screen.
Tutorial improvements
- We have improved the tutorial experience with clearer instructions and smoother progression, making it easier than ever for new players to jump in and master the game!
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where any boost that causes damage could hit players multiple times in one use.
iOS users will need to be on OS 13.0.0 minimum in order to download v5.2.0.
(via SEGA HARDlight)