Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where Valhalla Surge's Viking Offence would end after too few hits
- Fixed an issue where if a player was frozen whilst in spin attack/roll form, and took extra damage, they would remain in spin form
- Fixed an issue with upgraded Reality Warp being visually wrong compared to its hitbox
- Fixed an issue with Booby Trap not locking an item slot if the item is one with a cooldown/timer AND in use at the time (e.g. boost/mine dropper)
- Fixed an issue with Volt Bolt not always causing correct damage
- Fixed an issue where upon claiming an entire stage of Progression Missions the next stage could show complete missions as un-claimable (until after a reboot)
- Fixed an issue where the UI wouldn't automatically update after upgrading a character's item
- Fixed a display issue when upgrading Season reward (via going up a tier)
- Fixed an issue with the refresh cost on Bonus Missions not resetting if the mission wasn't completed before the lock timer expired
- Fixed an issue where Chaos Blast could be stacked
- Fixed an issue where Chaos Blast could still be active after crossing the finish line, damaging those finishing shortly after
Balance changes
- Balance changes will be at a later date. Please make sure your app is updated to see these changes.
via SEGA HARDlight