Recently, the BumbleKast, hosted by Sonic writer Ian Flynn and co-hosted by Kyle Crouse, informed users that starting in 2025, all Sonic-related questions would need to be vetted by SEGA before being answered due to a conflict of interest with Ian Flynn being involved in Sonic projects at SEGA.
Unfortunately, this appears to no longer be the case, as Ian Flynn recently informed users on the BumbleKast YouTube channel that they would no longer be taking any Sonic-related questions beginning in 2025, stating that questions being vetted before being answered was not "logistically feasible".
All customers who bought a Sonic-themed priority question for January 2025 have been asked to either swap out their question for something else entirely, or ask for a refund.
Despite the major change, the BumbleKast has also stated that YouTube subscriptions for its channel will remain open, and the livestreams that generally occur at the end of the month will still take place.